September Patch Club

September’s Patch Club is based on Appletun! As Summer transitions into Fall here, what better way to start the cozy season than with your favorite apple pie themed dragon? To receive this patch, make sure to pledge on Patreon for the Patch Club tier before the end of this month!

August Patch Club

August’s Patch Club is based on the Pocket Pikachu! A handy little device, the Pocket Pikachu (and Pocket Pikachu 2) were based on the Tamagotchi craze. You could do various activities with Pikachu, and he would play small animations along with also being a step counter. I picked one of my favorite animations of Pikachu, him napping! To receive this patch, make sure to pledge on Patreon for the Patch Club tier before the end of this month!

July Patch Club

July’s Patch Club is based on the Squirtle Squad! Continuing my recent trend with Pokemon inspiration from the games and anime I grew up with, I picked the Squirtle Squad because they were one of my favorites in the show! To receive this patch, make sure to pledge on Patreon for the Patch Club tier before the end of this month!




Tomorrow’s the big day! I will be a vendor at the online convention, RAMCon! I will also be opening 2 commission slots for con attendees through Discord; please contact directly for more details!

June Patch Club

June’s patch is inspired by Miltank, because why not? I love the blue used in shiny Miltank’s design, so I created a fake logo for the farm in the Generation II games to feature it on! To receive this patch, make sure to pledge on Patreon for the Patch Club tier before the end of June!


May Patch Club

This month’s patch is inspired by New Pokemon Snap’s recent release! Mew is a callback to the original Snap game, along with its original color scheme. To receive this patch, make sure to pledge on Patreon for the Patch Club tier before the end of this month!

Midwest FurFest Online!

I am a vendor at Midwest FurFest Online this weekend, December 18-20! I’ll be taking two commission slots for this weekend only- please contact me if you’re interested! Contacting me does not guarantee you a slot.

I also have plans to livestream during the weekend, so stay tuned for details!

CouchCon On Ice!

CouchCon’s Winter installment starts this weekend, December 4th-6th. I’ll be a vendor again, so check out the Shop for exclusive convention items only listed this weekend!

June Patreon Patch Club: Flick

I’ve started a Patch Club for my Patreon, and Flick is the official first patch to join the lineup! Pledge at least $10 or more before the end of June, and you’ll receive a Flick in the mail~

CouchCon 2020 Announcement

I’ve been accepted as a vendor for my first ever online convention, CouchCon! The convention will take place June 25-28, and I’ll have some special announcement here as the convention draws closer!

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